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The Spring Closet Edit- 2023 Edition


Updated: Mar 21, 2023

3 Steps from a Pro Organizer That Will Help You Get Your Closet Ready for Spring!

Helllooo, Spring! I've been waiting on you and I'm sure I'm not the only one. While Spring is not necessarily my favorite season, it's a refreshing change after a long East Coast winter. A closet edit is a must for me at the change of each season since we are "blessed" to experience all four seasons here in Pittsburgh. Regardless of where you reside, the longer days and warmer temperatures might have you considering if it's time to edit your closet.

Let's be real, while you may be excited for the transition into a new season you might also dread the thought of actually switching out your wardrobe. I'd like to let you in on a little secret: organization is not a project; it is a habit. Want to know another secret? You don't have to take on a deep purge to get results, as you put to use the habits that we are about to discuss, they will become more of a practice. The purpose of this blog is to help you quickly swap out your seasonal items, create a clean & functional closet, and prepare for a fresh start to the new season.

Before we begin, set yourself up for success by making your bed, you'll be using it as your makeshift workspace. Also, now would be a good time to gather the things you'll need: trash bags, storage containers, and a timer. So, let's jump into it.

Step #1 - Remove Out-of-Season Clothing

Remember, we said organizing is a not a project but a habit. When you get into the practice of regularly editing your closet it'll take you less time to swap out your clothes at the change of the season. The goal with a closet edit is to completely swap out your Winter wardrobe to your Spring, create order, and maximize your space. So, be reasonable when deciding how much time you'll need to complete the edit. Generally, it takes me about 90 minutes but consider the size of your wardrobe and the work that you've previously done. To honor your time, make sure to set your timer.

I'm sure you've heard me say it, you can't organize a space without decluttering it first, right? True, but remember a closet edit is to a purge what a refresh is to a deep clean. The purpose is to maintain a previously organized space. So, while we will be primarily focusing on editing our closet for the Spring, decluttering as you go is still a best practice.

Our first step is to identify and remove any out-of-season items such as bulky sweaters and heavy clothing. Personally, I tend to keep a few pieces that are great for layering in my closet until the weather has fully transitioned; as we all know Spring can be a little all over the place.

As you transfer your winter clothing into weather tight containers be sure to separate any clothing that need mended or dry cleaning prior to storage. And obviously if you find something that you want to get rid of or donate, do it. This will clear up space for the items that you really want to keep.

I'll be honest with you; I have fallen into the trap of simply rotating my wardrobe in and out without editing. The result over time was a large wardrobe that didn't quite reflect my current style, size, or life.

Tips to a Successful Edit:

  • Discard clothing and accessories that are torn, stained, and show signs of wear

  • Donate items that are in good condition but no longer fit or reflect your style

  • Sell items that are in excellent condition; we all have something in our closet that still has the tag on it

  • Store out-of-season clothes in weather tight containers

  • Only store clean clothing. Mend or dry clean before storing as needed

Step #2 - Create Order

Now that you're ready to transfer your Spring and Summer attire into your closet, it is time to arrange the clothing that you decided to keep. Have you ever noticed when you walk into your favorite boutique or department store that the clothing is typically organized by color and like with like? That same system can be easily set up and maintained in your own closet. While you might not be so 'Type A,' there are benefits to using this system.

  • Time Saver - you will be able to find what you're looking for faster. It also helps you know where to put things back

  • Money Saver - you can easily identify what you have so you're less likely to buy duplicates or pieces you don't really need

  • Lessen Visual Clutter - you can get an instant mood boost. Functional closets aren't just attractive, they are a necessary tool for maintaining order even on our most hectic days.

Here's How to Do It:

  • Group Like with Like - Group 'types' of clothing together. For example, dresses, blouses, jackets, etc.

  • Create Color Blocks - Within each group of clothing. Now is the time to decide if you will arrange them darkest to lightest or lightest to darkest

  • Pick Your Pattern - Pick a spot for prints and patterns. You can make a new section or determine the dominant hue in the garment and then group it in the front or back of that color category

Bonus Tips:
  1. Matching slim velvet hangers create a more streamline look and prevent the items from falling off.

  2. Consider the material type and weight. Within the color category hang lightest to heaviest.

  3. Arranging from sleeveless, to short sleeve, to long sleave in each color block will also elevate the look.

"These may seem like simple guidelines, but they are very effective in transforming an average closet into a clothing oasis."

Step #3 - Maximize Your Space

You're almost there! So, you've removed the previous season's clothing, you've performed the edit of your Spring clothing, now let's make the best use of your space.

Evaluate where you are limited on space and where you have room to spare. Don't be afraid to get your creative juices flowing. Here is where you can add your personal touch and make the most of the space you have.

Hacks For Creating Function:

  • If you are short on hanging space, you’ll want to keep your most frequently used items at eye-level and consider storing infrequently used items up top or below.

  • If your closet doesn’t have drawers, you can "make your own" by using bins or baskets, be sure to add a label.

  • If you have limited floor space, consider adding stackable storage or a multi-tiered rack.

Bonus Tips:
  1. Adding a utility rack to an unused all or door is a game changer.

  2. Installing adhesive hooks is a budget-friendly and simple way to store your longer items such as belts, ties, and purses.


Now that you're prepared to get started on your Spring Closet Edit, make it official, schedule a date and time. Spoiler alert: Once you organize one space, you're bound to want to tackle the next! Take one space at a time and remember practice makes progress.



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